Home » Linda’s Posts » Are you puzzled by some of the messages you receive? This may help.

Are you puzzled by some of the messages you receive? This may help.

I have been asked it my messages come from God, Jesus, Aunt Maude, Great Aunt Julie or your relatives who have passed on my answer is yes all of the above.  You also get messages.  Even if you do not feel that you have my gifts.  When sitting in the doctors office and sharing with someone who is scared and making them feel better your gift came out.

Do you want more clarity about the messages you receive?  Feel free to contact Linda to schedule your personalized session today!



Clarity gives you greater personal power and is important in creating the life you want to live. What might your life look like when you have Linda assisting you in understanding the messages you receive? Schedule you session now with Linda. You can start right here.