Gifted Angel Second Generation
Gifted Angel Second Generation

This is my Aunt Maudie and her husband Alex.

She was the gifted generation before me. She was also my mother in a very special way.

She took care of me, along with my Grandmother Mary.

Some of Aunt Maudie’s gifts included:
– She could see when you were in love with another person, and know if he or she were  good for you.
– She could find things when you lost them.

One day, she called me to help my find my camera. She reminded me that I left my camera under my brother’s car seat, after we had a great night at a Gloria Estefan concert.  I had not even told her it was lost!

I also called her when clients lost things and she would find them immediately.

She could let you know if your sicknesses was not serious and would be okay.

She told me when she sensed that friends were losers and which friends to keep.

She was overall the greatest lady I have ever known.

She taught me to work for God, no matter what people said to me about the work that I do for Him.

Before she died, she told me she had spoken with God and that being gay was not a sin. With this information, I know that I must tell others so we can stop the bullying and other hurt people are experiencing.

About three days before she passed away, she predicted I would record 5 audio cd’s when I went to Florida to visit a friend. When I arrived, my friend informed me that she booked a recording studio as a gift!

Her last prediction come true. She told me that I would be coming home to bury her on her birthday.  But that meant I still could celebrate her birth to be with my uncle on the other side.

The night she died, I was still in Florida. The newspaper reporter asked me, “Besides God, who do I think made me who I am today as a person?”
I said, “The most important person, since birth is my Aunt Maudie.” She passed that night.


Then next morning, a turkey vulture showed up and flew over me at breakfast, with my friends’ daughter. She asked why I keep saying hello to Aunt Maudie. I cried telling her I knew I had readings to do at the event, but I loved her  miss her so much. Turkey vultures, stand for new life and happy beginnings. It was Aunt Maudie saying she was okay and proud of me.

Since 2008 I have seen her many time and received talks from her but it is amazing to know she is still watching over me.  She  was my mother, who taught me to value what God gave me as gifts.