The solar plexus in the front of our body, is about the physical part of the soul plexus region. The energy is yellow in color, just like the sun. Please listen to a meditation closely. Are you in need of a chakra clearing? A chakra clearing session is a personal energy clearing session …
Tag: metaphysical studies
Energize Your Chakras: The Back Solar Plexus
The solar plexus in the back of the body, is about the emotions and cords others have attached to us. It is related to when we’re drained from their negative energy. The front and back solar plexus are both yellow in color. May you all listen carefully to my lecture. Blessings to you all. …
Energize Your Chakras: The Front Heart Chakra
Hello everybody, this is Linda Humphries again! This next chakra is the heart. The front heart has to do with exactly what it sounds. The heart as a mechanical machine keeps our body blood pumping and it purifies as all the systems and our body. We never energize it or heal it. We allow it …
Energize Your Chakras: The Back Heart Chakra
The back heart is a pink rose and it stands for Self-Esteem… it stands for self-worth… it also is our way of knowing your value by us being able to not be the thought, not be the emotion, but be the soul. Are you in need of a chakra clearing? …
Energize Your Chakras: The Back Throat Chakra
It may sound like I’m repeating myself but this neck chakra is more important than the front throat chakra. It is the back is where we hold our emotion, and thoughts. Listen carefully for I will tell you the power it has and how to release it. The color of the back-throat chakra is blue …
Energize Your Chakras : The Front Throat Chakra
Thank you for watching my first three chakra meditations. This chakra, the front throat chakra, is the physical part of the throat as you will hear in the lecture. Please be sure that if you have any doubts about how to clear it or clean it, remember you contact me for a session of clearing …
Energize Your Chakras – Your Third Eye
This is Linda Humphries and we will now discuss the Third-Eye Energy field. It is located in between the eyebrows and its color is indigo. Many gifted clairvoyants when facing each other get had rushes in this area if they are truly connecting during lectures meditations are classes. I hope you enjoy my talk. Be …
Energize Your Chakras – Your Blue Pearl
The second chakra of the body, which is located in the pituitary gland, is called the blue pearl or the forehead charka. It controls your endocrine system. My talk will tell you the facts of the importance of the chakra. The color for this body’s energy is indigo. Blessings to all! Are you …