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The Odds and Ends of Foods

While I was growing up, I wanted to learn everything I knew. I was gifted and I wanted to help heal people in any way I could.  I listen to lectures from Great Aunt Julie, Aunt Maudie, and every person that I ran across that was gifted, even the Indians at powwows at Cahokia Mounds.

Some of my notes were printed on old wide- lined paper from grade school that I hid so my mom would not find them.  Notes covering food to beer to garlic to pomegranates to share what scarecrows to sweet grass and lemongrass and many more things.  The odds and ends that I’m going to cover in the following articles that may be brief but will be added to as I looked notes that I’ve had from little on.  I hope they are a help you in your growth psychically, and in your protection of yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

This article is on food and herbs and the effect they have on all of our lives mentally, physically, financially and spiritually.

Bay leaves: I learned about from my great Aunt Julie, hide your psychic ability. They help athletes in their competition to see how to be the person there against.  They add to our clairvoyant abilities. They give confidence to people that may have doubles.

Aunt Julie, who was wonderful, used to say you shake the bay leaves into strips and write our wishes.  I have a better solution. Write your wish on yellow lined paper, using a red pen. I learned in Pranic Healing, put the bay leaves on top your written list, in clockwise circles to send the energy into the bay leaves. Use them often.

People have put them in pouches because they do not smell bad and carry them with them. Roman soldiers did so and also  some of the gladiators.  Many people who were gypsies ate the leaves in the food they made to give them better psychic abilities.

Great Aunt Julie use to make food for me when she was at grandma’s house. I had dreams that were clairvoyant.  She said the bay leaves helped me find out if what I was dreaming was going to happen to me or to others.

As far as for romance, Aunt Julie told newlyweds to burn leaves together so that their love would last forever.  She used bay leaves in a spray as a way to get rid of evil that it entered a child or adult or a spirit that was in the house.

I took Pranic Healing and I’ve added spraying, counter-clockwise around the room our whole house that is affected.  Wearing it as an amulet also works to stop someone from psychically attacking you.

Beer: It is a thing of courage. Just ask people who drink it because they’re too afraid to go home and face their partners.  But seriously, in the Egyptian times, the soldiers would take a bath in warm beer before the battles. They were using the energies to protect their bodies, stimulate the muscles, and get their minds off of the fact that the enemy might have more men than they did. When I did my video, which can be found on YouTube, my one girlfriend said that she didn’t want to sit in it. She wanted do drink the bathtub that was full of beer because of her mother-in-law.

Great Aunt Julie used beer to soften skin and get rid of bacteria that was on people’s hands. They worked in the fields as farmers or in a factory. She said that she was told by her guides that it even gets done over in fancy places calls spas found in European countries.

Her one husband said he used it to settle his stomach. He said it worked better than seven ups!  I ask different psychics who  all said they’d never heard of it.  But, I looked on the Internet and found that some cultures do use it, but they use warm beer as we use warm beer in Egypt.

Great Aunt Julie neighbor brewed beer any said smelling the hops is a way of making one sleepy. He said it works the same as chamomile tea.  So, Aunt Julie tried to plant a small bundle in a pillow case to help herself sleep after a day of healing people.

When people ask me, “Do you think I’m being psychically attacked? Everything’s ? now for me and I’m scattered.” I look at them and us are being psychically attacked but moreover every time certain friends of their husbands come over; they feel like they’re being talk down to like they’re the little woman.

There’s a case of the mother-in-law who still thinks her husband is her property. She thinks, “he’s my little boy. I know he misses my cooking. We’re just so close.” It’s true, you are, but you letting those words get to you and stay with you.

Then there’s the people who buy a house where somebody died. They’re not ready to let somebody join them inside their house and they think it’s still their house.

When I get clients like the above, I’d tell them to grab one of my favorite things to cook with… tiny baseball bats called cloves.  They are one of the best protectors I know of.

You put three down each drain in your house. You can even flush three down your toilets. I tell people to put them in outside drains too. They’re so tiny they would not normally get caught in the drain. Next, run the warm water to stimulate the smell.  I did this before my mother came over to my house so whatever she said to insult me or make me feel less than I never actually heard.

The physical uses of cloves, according to my Great Aunt Julie, is helping with blood sugar. She also said it’s an antioxidant which means it helps with cholesterol and cancer. She gave it to one husband because he had strokes due to the stress he was under. She said people don’t understand that herbs can do many things. Cloves are even good for hair. It is also listed on my notes as good for relieving stomach problems and improving your digestion.

So, as I’m telling you that many uses for the sample odds and ends things. I can’t guarantee that everything works perfectly but I know from clients of Great Aunt Julie and my clients that some of these definitely do work.

Our next thing is bubbles in your coffee. Bubbles mean more prosperity is coming. If it’s early in the year and you have poured yourself a cup of coffee and all you see is bubbles you can start celebrating. It stands for whatever you wish for is coming and things are moving as you wished.

Now, my Aunt Maudie said if you pour yourself a cup of coffee in the middle of a business meeting was somebody, you’re not sure of and there’s hardly any bubbles, it’s a sign you better ? to get them before you decide to do business with them.

And the latter part of the year, as you’re doing money finances looking at your books, planning for next year and taking yourself out to eat at a restaurant you wouldn’t normally gone to reward yourself, watch the bubbles.  Aunt Maudie said if they are many it means next year will be is fulfilling if not more than this year.  And hopefully you’ve had good coffee doing these.

Eggs: In olden days, stood for life. But if the yolk is bad, be aware of everything and everyone around you.  Even if you’ve known them for one year one day are many years. If the egg yolk is beautiful and you’re about to make a deal for business you can guarantee yourself prosperity. It can also mean the beginning of a permanent relationship or a new child.

Fish is brain food. Great Aunt Julie said it wakes up the brain when you’re blocked in what moves in your life.  She would to tell farmers to eat more eggs while they’re thinking about what to plant for crops the next year. She said it also helped with people who worked in factories and came home physically exhausted to get energy for what they had to do at home. For people who work in jobs with their brain, like accountants, teachers, bankers, lawyers, are anyone it in a healing profession who was mentally exhausted, having eggs in a salad for supper would give them energy.

Garlic: In days of old Roman, secured with for courage and protection against troops who were larger than theirs. It gave them strength in battle, to ward off evil, was worn around the neck. Some people thought of it as a cure for insanity back in the old times when someone was schizophrenic are very bipolar. Garlic surrounding them would get rid of the evil that was inside of them, for those who believed that they were possessed.

Aunt Maudie’s one friend said Italian cheeses – Provolone and Romano – even in small quantities help you get rid of congestion. I thought they made congestion in the lungs. I forgot our friend ran her own business. It definitely worked for her.  Her business was booming. But definitely helped me on my trip in Italy. Every place I went to offered me samples of cheese. When I was drained of energy and got congested, wondering what I should do next, I would eat a free sample of the cheese. It solved that problem.  LOL

Lemon was using in the days of old to be sprayed to stop evil. I suggest you may use lemongrass oil. Use this lemon oil and go clockwise around the rooms and even on the outside of the house to stop spirits from coming in. Lemon also brings goodness and like into your life after you’ve had trauma happen. Many people who know all of this from earlier times bring lemon cake and lemon meringue pies to wakes. Lemonade can be brought to someone who has lost a job and is down and out to revitalize them and help move them forward. Lemon zest put into food builds the energy up for people that have gone through things.  I had lemon and parsley together to drink, used as medicine for people with urinary tract problems.

Now, what can we say about mushrooms? I’m going to tell you something this came from Great Aunt Julie. I told my clients who are having marital problems that she said this and they tried and it helped. She said she always made stuffed mushrooms or added mushrooms to omelets or made portabella mushroom steaks. When her one husband would come home lifeless and just want to sit around and then just go to bed and sleep. She wanted do give him energy she laughed and said no it gave me passion from him. I never ask my clients and that worked or not that is none of my business.  But Great Aunt Julie is said it wakes up in you what you’ve lost in a relationship if the relationship is fading also. Then she said you can also wake you up to the fact you need a new relationship.  My clients love me because when I do readings on straight to the point, I think I got it from Great Aunt Julie.

Parsley soaked in water and then ground into a drink and taken several times a day helps get rid of water weight. Eating parsley with meals helps with bad breath. Some people believed when they served meals to clients having parsley on the plates brought prosperity. My friend Terry who did readings told me to put in a spray bottle and spray clockwise around rooms in my home in which I did business it really works and the rooms smell fresh.

Pomegranates in the bible it says it helped with fertility. Some of the gypsies believed it made the person you wanted want you more if you can get them to eat it or drink the juice. Remember, you cannot make someone love you that doesn’t love you.

Saffron helps in managing anxiety and depression. Adding it to cooking when someone is depressed or has anxiety will help these both of these conditions. My one uncle had liver problems even though we knew the outcome Great Aunt Julie cooked him things using that spice because it enhances your liver function.

It also helps whenever there are obstructions, as it detoxifies the liver. It’s used as a prevention to liver cancer. Modern uses that were brought up from ancient medicine is if you digest saffron it hastens your contractions while pregnant and helps during labor.  Some midwives used it along with rose water and sugar as suppository and eventually other areas to help provide a safe delivery of the baby, so there would be no hemorrhaging. I cannot tell you to do this for I’m not a doctor.

I work with healing stones and herbs but I do use many old medicines that were used before modern medical uses of chemical medicine.  It also calms and improves negative moods. Great Aunt Julia said it helps with sexual dysfunction. Don’t go by me. That is what I enjoy. She also said it did for women with PMS who were cramping. I never was around her for her to try that with me.

It also is used for more than just benefits to stop bloating from happening.  She said it would help if my brother would use it. He would have had less asthma problems because it’s as if the food was for the lungs. I did look this up and a book on herbs and it didn’t also say that so my nose I took what I was younger from her may not be as crazy as I think.

My goal is to enlighten, educate and entertain. For those who want to use the information I give them I’m grateful.  I am also grateful for those who come to my website to read the information and maybe pass it on to someone who can use what they are reading.  I stated many times we all find our lessons and our answers in many ways.

I have had people thank me for the article I have on charities. They only take fifteen percent for the administrators. As well as the article on where to go to get help when you need it for yourself or others. It took me a long time to do the research as nothing to do a psychic ability but is important.

I have on YouTube some of the videos about which I will write; as well as other interesting subjects. Some were added as we went through covid to help get people’s minds off of the terrible situation that our country was in and the world.

 Blessings to you all,

Rev.  Linda Humphries