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Intuitive Business Consulting

We all have many gifts in our lives.

My clients have come to me over the years for the gift of helping them in their careers whether they be a janitor or an entrepreneur.

At the age of five, dancing to my father’s band music, I could look at the crowd sometimes numbering over 100 and pick out who owns their own company.  I could tell they were a farmer.  Whether they raise pigs, cattle, are even just sold egg and later the chickens of laid those eggs.  I could also tell when they were having trouble with their businesses.


One of my predictions was for the business where my father played with his orchestra.

I dreamt that the dance hall was going to be blown over from the inside out when a tornado would hit the town. I told my Great Aunt Julie and she got me in contact with a gentleman who owned the establishment.  She had healed his children of fevers sore throats and much more.  She helps them by giving him courage to put him with herbs in with the crops he planted and to give him a good harvest. He believed what I said. He canceled the dance telling my father he would pay any way.

His daughter came to look up the file years later were I worked and I also took a picture of the newspaper article. Only one person in their town died that day. The dance hall had only one section that was left standing.  The section that was left standing was were my father would have been standing onstage had he been there when the tornado hit. I showed the article to my Aunt Maude when I when to see her that Saturday and she said I must prayed for my father’s safety.

When the man’s daughter asked why I wanted a picture of it I told her my first and last name. She said, “You’re the little girl with a prediction. Had your dad played there….”  She said before her father died, he lived that moment over with all of us and how he made the right decision listening to a little girl that he was told was gifted from God.


Since that day, I have predicted many things to do with people and businesses.

Whether someone started a new business or if they may be going leave the job they worked, I knew when God gave me a message that I was to give it to them.

I had a party with clients from AG Edwards, a financial investment firm that once was headquartered in St. Louis.  I did not hesitate to tell the workers that came to me that I saw the company in financial problems and that they would be taken over by another company.

I told them what I saw about all that was going to happen under the other company. I warned each person about what I saw happening with their careers so that they could make the move that best suited them.

I never tell anyone they have to do anything I give them. All the circumstances that will happen I believe God shows me to protect my clients, knowing they have the right of free will. The party had 15 people and not all of them were AG Edwards employees at the time.

Another time….

The year before Anheuser Busch sold to another company, I was asked to do an end of the year reading for the St Louis Post Dispatch newspaper. I told the young lady that the company was going to be purchased by a foreign company. I even gave her the name and had told her that many jobs would be switched or maybe even lost. Then told her that I knew she could not print what I shared with her.

I told her that more chiropractors and physical therapists would be using a massage therapist in their practice.  Along with three or four other things that also came true.

The Anheuser Busch prediction affected 15 of my clients. I advised each of them in a different way. I believe that if I have seen my clients as their spiritual counselor, I need to forewarn them so that they would not be alarmed.

An executive client

One of my clients is an executive who works for a company also runs her own company is a non-related field. My guidance for her has been about people I see in some of her meetings.

I am about to see the people my clients are dealing with and I can channel the personality of the person what the motives are of that person. That allows my clients to call me for a short session before they go on a big business trip or a long session to be prepared for what is coming next.

One particular client has grown and gone to another new company and travels internationally and has her own business grow internationally. When it is necessary, she avails herself of my services. She has also made it clear that if I see are has sensed anything, she needs to be aware of a 15-minute session would be greatly appreciated.

A business woman makes a move

One of my clients has gone from working at a business in the Midwest, to moving to a nice sunny state which I predicted before her move. I predicted the growth she would show she had as a talented businesswoman.

With each job her title changes along with the type of people she deals with, who they are, what walk of life they come from and how she can benefit them.

The irony is she herself has grown to run another business that she does on the side, similar to other clients. She helps other people advertise their businesses as well as themselves. When she get stopped and cannot come up with answers because of too much on her plate, my phone rings.

I usually tell her what the person looks like and one actually looked like Tim Conway, but it wasn’t a funny situation.  After I told his personality and ego, she was able to deal with him.  And now the table meetings are easily handled.

I always tell the ladies I read for that work in a man’s world you must carbon copy emails to the people above if you have a feeling your boss does not like having a woman working for them. That way what he tells you to do will be copied as someone else with you saying I do what you told me to do in the e-mail that I’ve attached so he has no way of saying you did not do what was asked.

A young attorney is made partner

I also had my male clients who do not understand that when I see a raise or new position the fact that your parents taught you to respect your Elders needs to go out the window.

I had a young attorney whose sister was my client. I told her to tell her brother congratulations on becoming partner and that on Friday I expected him to call me and thank me.

Then I said he can thank you tomorrow he’s already been told and there’s partnership open today just you call me after you talk to him tonight. I told her to tell him the older man doesn’t matter he should bid for the partnership.  Tell him to ignore thinking about his age because they want him. He called me that night.

I had a session with him and partner he is and the other gentlemen did not want the position just as I said.

Clients and their careers

I have regular clients who work day to day jobs. One such client works at a bank. Last March, I told her the bank was being bought out and it would be in September.

Sure enough in September of that year it was bought out.

She came to me for reading a little bit upset and nervous. She had no reason to be because she learns every job there is around her by watching others. So when the new company takes over, they will be able to use her in many ways.

I didn’t mind reassuring her and also showing her what I saw for some of the other banks that were opened up by this company in different locations. She called me worried because nothing has happened. I reassured her that they were taking their time to organize. They did not want to haphazardly do something and make the same mistake her bank did by opening up too many branches.


People from all areas of business and industries

Many of my people that get business readings range from Real-estate associates, lawyers, doctors, project managers, business owners, contractors, bank workers, physical therapist, psychics, nurses, and many more.

I believe God passed a gift on from my great Uncle Nicholas and my Aunt Maude so I can help people move ahead.

People ask me how do you retire from your job and not have an income for retirement for 10 months and I said because I have a trust fund in God.

In working for God with no income from retirement from August to March, God enlighten me to the fact that not only can I tell the future and heal people and give them Self-Esteem, but my readings about business and about helping people look for the new route they were to take were right on.

Remember to have that trust fund as I said. Not everybody has to believe in God as l do.  But you have to remember this…

if you believe, you can achieve anything
and I believe in you.

And so, it be. Love, Linda